
Slow down! How and where?

Less stress and more time for things that mean a lot to you ?! Welcome to the club! Many of us feel like the proverbial hamster in a wheel: We put ourselves under pressure day in and day out and have the feeling that we always have to function perfectly.
A great job, a harmonious relationship, a stylish car and three vacation holidays a year - we believe we need to have all of these in order to lead a fulfilling life. Quite a sporty undertaking if you take a closer look.
And so we power through our everyday life at an insane pace all year round, only to be able to switch off on vacation once or twice a year. And then we wonder if it doesn't work. When the stress of everyday life cannot simply be switched off at the push of a button on the plane to Bali.
Denn nicht selten macht uns dann unser gestresster Körper einen Strich durch die Rechnung und wir werden ausgerechnet im Urlaub krank. Oder wir streiten uns womöglich mit dem Partner. Urlaub ist ja keine Yogaübung, in die man sich reinatmen kann. Und so scheitert das Projekt “Zwei-Wochen-Erholung-von-sechs-Monaten-Stress” oft jämmerlich.
The rush for the beautiful life.
Crazy for a little bit of wellbeing. And somehow we don't change anything about this model. After all, it has always been that way and everyone does it that way. Everyone tries to be financially good to be able to afford nice things and works hard for them.
So in order to be able to achieve or maintain these self-set standards, we work hard - stress at work, overtime, irritability, burnout and stress symptoms included.
Je höher der Lebensstandard, umso größer die Belastung. Und was wir oft vergessen: Der Job allein ist nicht der Übeltäter. “Nicht nur die Karriere, auch Familie und Freunde erfordern Zeit. Hinzu kommt der Aufwand, der nötig ist, um Haus, Garten, Auto und allerlei Statussymbole in Stand zu halten und zu nutzen.”
In the end, exactly what we are all about falls by the wayside: a fulfilled life. And at this very moment it should be clear to us: We have to slow down.
The solution: deceleration or downshifting. More calm and mindfulness in everyday life. And above all: find the right measure again.
We'll help you with that.
Selada.soul = Deceleration & mindfulness training (coaching, workshops) for private individuals and companies.