Basia has brought together the most exciting moves from all of these dance styles to create a new dance style: SELADA! A fitness and dance workout in which the technique and the movements are explained well and slowly. We dance to Latin music and classics as well as modern and current hits.

Selada is not all fun! Interval training (slow and fast rhythms) stimulates fat burning and shapes the body. The sequence of steps is explained according to each standard so that everyone can dance right away. You don't have to be able to dance if you want to join Selada, but you will be able to if you were there. Even experienced dancers will get their money's worth and learn new things! After every workout you have not only burned a lot of calories, but you go home with a new body feeling and lots of happiness hormones!

“Dancing is joy of life and I want to pass it on. Above all, my participants should have fun and enjoy the time on the course. A short break from everyday life, just dance freely and happily! That is my goal, that is what I want to achieve with SELADA! The fact that SELADA also makes you fit, elegant, sexy, slim and self-confident is a side effect that naturally makes us women all the happier ;-).

Dance with us and get fit and sexy with lots of fun and selada!

Basia bringt ihre jahrelangen Erfahrungen aus ihrer Tanzkarriere für Euch mit. Sie umfasst hunderte, europaweite durch sie organisierte und geleitete Tanzworkshops (für die Dance Academy/ Bühnenpräsenz), Ausbildung von diversen Trainerinen, eine jahrelange Zusammenarbeit mit DSDS (Deutschland sucht den Superstar), TV Total Stefan Raab, Pro7 POPSTARS, dem Robinson Club, dem Bundesvision Songcontest, die Beteiligung an diversen Musikvideos (Choreographien und Tanz), Personal Coaching von Schauspielern aus Serien und Kinofilmen, Touren für Baccardi, Radio NRW und Saucalitos (Tourplanung, Choreographien und Tanz), Background Tänzerin für Guck Mal Wer Da Spricht, Danke Anke, Chartbreak Hotel, Viva, MTV Trainerin bei Fit for Fun TV. Gründerin und Leiterin der Tanzschule Dance1 in Rinteln.


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Hello, I'm Roswitha, and I have successfully lost about 21 cm in body size at Basia Selada and lost 7 kg in just 14 days. It was very nice to work with Basia as a single person. Kind regards Roswitha 💕
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Good mood and a great body feeling guaranteed. Dancing together with other women and leaving everyday life for a moment in order to work out a Selada without being able to keep up without stress or fear, that is sport with fun. And with Basia as a trainer, a good mood is inevitable. 3 years of Selada dance and happily more 🙂
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It's a lot of fun, strengthens self-confidence, keeps you fit and gives you a sexy posture. You just feel good. I definitely recommend it!
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Selada burn weight loss program: I have already taken part in this program myself and I am convinced that it will bring something. You lose weight in a short time and the best thing is that there is no yo-yo effect. The entire body tightens itself in no time. In addition, despite the exertion, it is a lot of fun because Basia does all the exercises herself.
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Basia is always in a good mood, laughs and puts her heart into it. That is exactly what she transfers to others. A power woman !!
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Basia stands for confident, lovable, sensitive, funny and charming. For me, Selada private lessons are fitness, joie de vivre, memory training and can no longer be thought away.
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I've always loved to dance, but solo, not a couple dance. I also like Latin dance. Selada suits me with the additional burlesque and oriental dance elements. Is a great balance to my strength training! Femininity, softness when dancing and showing it! Selada at Basia is a lot of fun for me, or in a group!
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Through the individual weight loss program from Basia, I not only lost weight, finally achieved my dream figure, but also improved my health. I feel more fit and happy than I have for a long time. It wasn't just the training but also the conversations that really motivated me. It was also a wonderful feeling to do something “NJUR” for yourself, as Basia always says: “We are worth it and important to us” Thanks for that.
Read More gave me more self-confidence. The dance lesson is simply good for me, I always leave the course with a lot of vital energy and feelings of happiness.